Physician Sexual Misconduct Attorneys
Criminal Defense Lawyers for Accused Doctors
Pattis Law Firm
Practice Areas
Complaints Against Doctors
Medical Misconduct
Physician Discipline
Sexual Misconduct
Improper Examinations
Inappropriate Touching
Criminal Defense
Incompetant Counsel
Medical Necessity
Clinically Appropriate
False Accusation

Last of the slash and burn trial lawyers - F. Lee Bailey

Do Not Do This
About Norm Pattis

Doctor accused of sexual misconduct during a physical exam,
inappropriate touching? We Can Help.

Our criminal defense lawyers for physicians defend doctors and strategically prepare for what's coming.

We help physicians, psychotherapists, EMTs and other healthcare workers accused of sexual misconduct by patients defend their license, liberty, and reputation. While a doctor’s first instinct will be to rely on their reputation or seek a quick financial settlement (Don’t Do This) , Pattis Law Firm sexual misconduct by doctor attorneys have learned that a different, immediate, and strategic defense is critical.

In sexual misconduct cases a doctor or other healthcare worker faces three immediate adversaries:
  • Police Investigation and Criminal Charges
  • Medical License Board Complaint and License Revocation
  • Aggrieved Patient and Her Attorneys with a Civil Lawsuit
Secondary Adversaries in a Sexual Misconduct Case include:
  • Journalists and Reporters Eager for "Doctor Arrested" Headlines
  • Other Alleged Victims or False Claimants Seeking Damages

Physician sexual misconduct complaints are complex as your criminal defense attorney must simultaneously address professional misconduct complaints, criminal charges, civil financial liability, and the media, each with their own intricacies.

Nationally recognized criminal trial attorney and author Norm Pattis has deep experience helping doctors and other professionals aggressively defend their rights and freedom.

Connecticut based Pattis Law Firm Sexual Misconduct Defense Attorneys focus on damage control

When a doctor is accused of sexual misconduct or inappropriate touching during a physical examination the criminal charges against a physician may include sexual assault, aggravated sexual battery of various degrees while licensing challenges can range from boundary violations or inappropriate touching to sexual relations with, or sexual abuse of, a patient.

In some cases the Pattis Law Firm physician defense team can achieve a quick resolution and get the charges dismissed altogether with nominal damage to reputation, family, and finances.

Contact a Pattis Law Firm Connecticut criminal defense lawyer immediately if a patient threatens a sexual misconduct complaint, their attorney calls, police "have questions", or a reporter inquires

Doctors are frequent targets of patient accusations, often due to a patient’s mental instability or psychiatric disabilities, prescription drug problems, mischaracterization of clinical examination, or sometimes outright extortion.

Guilt or innocence is irrelevant at this point because doctors are considered a high dollar target by patients or their lawyers, reporters are guaranteed days of Physician Arrested headlines and bylines as wealth and allegations of sexual misconduct assure audience excitement, and police follow a presumption of guilt theory of investigation in scandal-potential cases.

Each year many sexual misconduct complaints in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts and elsewhere are levied against physicians, nurses, EMTs, psychotherapists, and you must act quickly to preserve your rights.

Contact Us to Learn Your Rights and What We Do to Restore Your Reputation

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We are a Connecticut based law firm with corresponding offices in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and across the U.S. experienced in sexual misconduct defense of doctors, psychologists, EMTs, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. This website is intended as information only for CT, NY, MA, RI and other physician, EMT, nurse, psychologist and healthcare professionals and nothing herein should be substituted for actual legal advice from the attorney of your choice.